BE Smith

Academics & Life Sciences

Trusted, strategic partners in Academic Medicine & Life Sciences

The AMN Academic Advisory Council (AAC) offers the experience and expertise of nationally recognized leaders in academic medicine, including three renowned former Deans, Dr. Philip Pizzo, Dr. Thomas Lawley and Dr. Arthur Rubenstein. Universities, medical schools, academic health systems and the life sciences industry need leaders who can understand the complex healthcare environment while maintaining the dedicated focus to the mission of research, teaching and patient care. 

Dedicated Team of Search Consultants 

We bring together the experience and expertise of nationally recognized leaders to identify and secure highly qualified and talented individuals from the faculty level, to Dean and Chancellor, as well as Vice President to Chief Executive Officer. Our personal relationships with hundreds of academic and life sciences leaders and their intimate knowledge of the skills required to succeed in academic leadership provide you with a key edge in today’s highly competitive recruiting environment. These veteran leaders, with extensive experience working in both the academic medical setting and biopharma settings, will create customized solutions to fit your organization’s unique needs. This includes integrating our full suite of services to provide both immediate and long-term recruitment solutions.

Academic Advisory Council

The AMN Academics Advisory Council (AAC) offers the experience and expertise of nationally recognized leaders in academic medicine. The AAC is a resource of medical education leadership and expertise dedicated to promoting market knowledge and effectiveness in academic workforce studies and academic recruiting. The AAC is committed to bringing the expertise, knowledge, wisdom and experience of three leaders from the field of academic medicine – each serving for more than a decade at leading U.S. medical schools and academic medical centers, and who now remain committed to excellence in academic medicine. Areas of focus include:

  • Assess and evaluate the organization and governance of Academic Medical Centers
  • Provide tactics to aid in leadership assessment, performance and skill building
  • Create a roadmap of the critical and essential interactions and intersections of the clinical and academic missions of teaching hospitals, including funds flow, practice plans, and links to community physicians, centers and hospitals
  • Address concerns expressed by university or other AMC leaders on the institutions vision, function, human relations, interactions, and the problem-solving tactics of the AMC leadership
  • Assess strategic plans and the feasibility of their implementation
  • Evaluate and enhance the success of research, from planning, to strategy and funding

  • Enhance communication skills – both listening and transmitting in all facets of interaction, from individuals to media (print, broadcast, digital platforms and interactive) and group wide communications
  • Provide knowledge and experience in federal and state policy and legislation
  • Offer guidance on interaction with governing Boards including communication strategies and leadership assessment
  • Provide advice and guidance on fundraising and philanthropy, from planning to successful implementation
  • Conduct interactions with public and private hospitals, from the VA, to public teaching and community hospitals
  • Assist with global health planning and coordination

Explore Our Other Areas of Expertise

Interim Leadership

With the most extensive network of talent in the market, we are uniquely suited to help your organization fill leadership talent gaps, push forward strategic initiatives and increase efficiency. We are your trusted partner for interim leadership search.

Learn More About Interim Search

Academic & Life Sciences

Our Academic & Life Sciences Practice combines national access to leading talent with competitive pricing, proven outcomes, industry leading placement guarantees and client access to extensive thought leadership and market intelligence.

Learn More About Academics

Physician Executive Recruitment

The demand for physician executive leaders is on the rise. Our team of experienced leaders will help your organization bridge the gap between clinical and financial initiatives.

Explore Physician Executive Recruitment 

B.E. Smith #1 Ranking Modern Healthcare

Top-Ranked Healthcare Recruiting Firm

In 2020, Modern Healthcare ranked our group at AMN Leadership Solutions the #1 senior executive search firm in healthcare. We have appeared on the Modern Healthcare list nine out of the past 12 years and finished #1 for five consecutive years.

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